When installed during the anti-rust guarantee period of the pump, it is not disassembly and washing. Cleaning should be removed when abnormal or exceeding the anti-rust guarantee period, and should meet the following requirements: The disassembly order of parts and components should be in accordance with the requirements of manufacturers; parts and components should be free of rust, often cleaned and qualified, their mating surface should be coated with a thin layer of lubricating oil; Pump leveling and search should be carried out according to the installation instructions provided by the manufacturer. The steam separator shall be installed in accordance with the following requirements: The installation level deviation is not greater than 1/1000, the pipe connected with the pump should not be too long, the flange bonding surface should be tight, the water inlet hole of the soda separator should be connected with the external water supply pipe, and the pipeline should be kept open. Pump commissioning should meet the following requirements: The car should be flexible, no block, vacuum control valve should be adjusted to the appropriate opening, pump filler function of the cooling pipe should be smooth, should be injected into the pump body water, the car rinse clean.