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PP 245ICN¥


PC resin is a polar non crystalline polymer, density: 1.380 g/cm3, glass transition temperature: 87 degrees C, so the thermal stability is poor, not easy to process. Can not be used directly, must be modified mixing, adding related additives and filler can be used. It is determined that the properties and requirements of the prepared PVC materials are different because of the different kinds and frbbbbbbs of the additive and filler. We usually call it a PVC bbbbula, which is strictly a PVC modified bbbbula, and PVC is only modified to use. This class is often classified as polymer modified material. The modification of polymer materials mainly revolves around the high perbbbbance of general plastics, the conversion of single component materials to multi component materials and composites, and the functionalization and optimization of materials. In general, PVC should be modified to granulate first, and after the bbbbation of particles by screw extruder, the plasticization is more sufficient and the processing is easier, especially the process is the injection product. The screw extruder is one of the most important equipments in plastic molding. It is used for solid conveying, compbbbbbb, melting, shearing and mixing extrusion of plastics through external power transmission and heat transfer of external heating elements. Screw extruders play an important role no matter as plasticizing and granulating machines or molding machines. Strictly speaking, there are special requirements for PVC products. PVC modified bbbbula is made according to customer requirements. There are also copolymerization in the PVC production process, such as vinyl chloride copolymers, PVC blends, and chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (PVC) [3].

Perbbbbance indicators of PVC modification


The thermal stability and light resistance of PVC are poor. Hydrogen chloride was decomposed at 150 C, with the adverse rebbbbbb of the plasticizer content. In addition, the influence of pigment on PVC is reflected in whether pigment is reacted with PVC and other components of PVC products, and pigment itself is resistant to migration and heat resistance. Some of the ingrents in the coloring agent may cause the degradation of the resin. For example, iron ions and zinc ions are the catalysts for the degradation of PVC resin. Therefore, the use of iron oxide (red, yellow, brown and black) pigment or Zinc Oxide, zinc sulfide and white pigment lithopone will reduce the thermal stability of PVC resin. Some of the coloring agents may be associated with the degradation products of PVC resin. Such as ultramarine pigment acid resistance is poor, so in the PVC coloring process, with the PVC decombbbbbbbb of hydrogen chloride produced by the interbbbbbb of losing their color. Therefore, as far as PVC coloring is concerned, the characteristics of the resin and related auxiliaries are considered, and the characteristics of the pigments are combined. The following problems should be paid attention to when choosing a colorant. [4]  PP 245ICN¥ TPEE荷蘭D 55D PC/ABS 基礎(chǔ)創(chuàng)新塑料 FXE1414L ABSTECHNO600 PA66深圳杜邦FR52G45BL BK337 EPDM 美國陶氏 774R PP基礎(chǔ)創(chuàng)新塑料15T1020-00900 PPO 基礎(chǔ)創(chuàng)新塑料 GTX4110 ABS奇美PA-747H PBT長春3030-104 LCP寶理E130I-VF2201 ABS馬來西亞東麗100G-20 LCP住友化學(xué)E4008 MR PP北歐化工BE961MO TPU拜耳優(yōu)得UDS-70AU10 PP新加坡埃克森美孚7032E3 TPU德國巴斯夫C70A10HPM PA66南亞640PG6 ABK1 EPDM 美國陶氏 4520 PC上海三養(yǎng) 3025G20-NC PBT德國巴斯夫B4300G6 BK PA6東麗CM1001R PA66惠州南亞6212GC FNC1 PA6荷蘭D K224-TG9 PBT三菱工程5010N6 HDPE三井化學(xué)888LIB(粉) PPLG H1615 PA66基礎(chǔ)創(chuàng)新塑料VCF2020 PBT美國杜邦6450XD PPS油墨CZE-1400 PA66意大利VAMP TECH2530V0 P60 TPU德國巴斯夫S64D50 PA66杜邦HTN51G35HSL POE泰國陶氏8407 ABS鎮(zhèn)江奇美D-120 PMMA 德國贏創(chuàng)德固賽 8809 PP 245ICN¥ PP 245ICN¥

EPS(1) cost barrier

PVC is a basic chemical raw material, and its product diversity is relatively small. Under the complebbby competitive market structure in China, the cost is the most important factor that affects the competitiveness of enterprises. As a result of industry characteristics, raw materials and energy occupy a high proportion in product cost. The cost of oil ethylene is mainly affected by the impact of the price of petroleum; calcium carbide production cost is mainly affected by the cost effect in general, calcium carbide, calcium carbide cost accounted for about PVC 70% of the cost, and the cost of electricity has accounted for about 60% of the cost of calcium carbide, because China is rich in power resources in the west, the electricity price is relatively low, compared with the production Eastern Enterprises calcium carbide production enterprises, the calcium carbide bbbbbb has certain advantages in terms of cost. With resource endowments, supporting the production of calcium carbide enterprises, will build more solid cost barriers.

Industrial policy barriersPP 245ICN¥ TPE美國吉力士SHF 70A 3S1984 PC基礎(chǔ)創(chuàng)新塑料 FL900 TPU德國巴斯夫E1175A10 PA66美國杜邦70G10HSL HDPE中石油大慶DMDA8008 HIPS韓三星毛織VE-1890K PA66德國巴斯夫A3EG3 PA66德國巴斯夫A3K BK TPU深圳科思創(chuàng)(拜耳)B95 TPEE東麗4777 LDPE石化15803 HDPE臺塑9007 LCP新石油化學(xué)HM302-BK ABS東麗AX05 PA46D TE250F6 GY LLDPE中石化茂名3012 PA6瑞士EMS TSS/4 PP泰國SCG化工P705JM PP寧波臺塑3204 PP寧波臺塑3009 PBT長春4120-104F PP茂名實華225(粉) PBT三菱工程5010G-30 PP卡爾普GF-1510A PP中石油獨山子EPS30R TPV 美國??松梨?9201-55 COC三井化學(xué)APL6011T TPV 美國??松梨?121-62M100 PBT美國杜邦CE2055 BK580 ABS鎮(zhèn)江奇美PA-757K BK TPEE長春1172LL POE杜邦DP2100 POM 美國泰科納 M25HT PA6東麗CM1001G-15 PA6宇部1015GC3

To promote the upgrading of chlor alkali industry in the industrial structure, regulate the development of the industry, in accordance with the principle of sustainable development to optimize the layout and orderly development, adjust the structure, se energy, protect the environment, safety production, technological progress, the national development and Rebbbb Commission issued the "bbbbulation (chlor alkali caustic soda, PVC) industry access conditions", and since the beginning of December 1, 2007: in the industrial layout for new chlor alkali production enterprises should be close to the resources, the energy area, the eastern region in addition to the rebbbbbbbb of enterprises outside the principle of caustic soda project is no longer the new carbide PVC project and its matching; technology requirements for construction and reconstruction of the calcium carbide PVC project must be simultaneously supporting the building of carbide slag cement and carbide slag comprehensive using the device access conditions; from the index of energy consumption and environmental standards for new projects. The adjustment of industrial policy greatly improves the threshold of capital, technology, talents and resources in the chlor alkali industry.

Scale barrierPP 245ICN¥ PP沙特577P PA66基礎(chǔ)創(chuàng)新塑料RL-4410 LLDPESKFV149M PA9T 可樂麗 G1300A TPV 美國??松梨?8291-85PA PP新加坡聚烯烴FL7632L PBT美國杜邦2533 LCP美國杜邦7244 BK010 PP中石化燕山K7726 PVC臺塑PR-415 GPPS鎮(zhèn)江奇美PG-383M PVDF 法國阿科瑪 HR761 PC/ABS 基礎(chǔ)創(chuàng)新塑料 CY6414 PP北歐化工GB364WG ABS寧波臺化AF3538 BK PA66EMS BT-11 UV PPSK R140M PMMA 德國贏創(chuàng)德固賽 8817 PBT惠州南亞1410G6 GBK4 PC泰國三菱工程 GSN2030KR HDPE卡塔爾石化50100 PA66上海羅地亞A 246 M PMMA 法國阿科瑪 V045 PA12 瑞士EMS G21PC基礎(chǔ)創(chuàng)新塑料(西班牙) 102X PP北歐化工BE860MO PC新加坡帝人 L-1225ZPP沙特1128NK PBT江蘇三房巷4308G0 PC三菱工程 7025C20 POM 美國泰科納 C9021S TPE和泰HT20 PP韓華道達(dá)爾BI432 TPE德國膠寶TC6COZ ABS德國巴斯夫HH-106


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PC KLL20CP ¥1.00
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