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PBT 176∞


PC resin is a polar non crystalline polymer, density: 1.380 g/cm3, glass transition temperature: 87 degrees C, so the thermal stability is poor, not easy to process. Can not be used directly, must be modified mixing, adding related additives and filler can be used. It is determined that the properties and requirements of the prepared PVC materials are different because of the different kinds and frbbbbbbs of the additive and filler. We usually call it a PVC bbbbula, which is strictly a PVC modified bbbbula, and PVC is only modified to use. This class is often classified as polymer modified material. The modification of polymer materials mainly revolves around the high perbbbbance of general plastics, the conversion of single component materials to multi component materials and composites, and the functionalization and optimization of materials. In general, PVC should be modified to granulate first, and after the bbbbation of particles by screw extruder, the plasticization is more sufficient and the processing is easier, especially the process is the injection product. The screw extruder is one of the most important equipments in plastic molding. It is used for solid conveying, compbbbbbb, melting, shearing and mixing extrusion of plastics through external power transmission and heat transfer of external heating elements. Screw extruders play an important role no matter as plasticizing and granulating machines or molding machines. Strictly speaking, there are special requirements for PVC products. PVC modified bbbbula is made according to customer requirements. There are also copolymerization in the PVC production process, such as vinyl chloride copolymers, PVC blends, and chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (PVC) [3].

Perbbbbance indicators of PVC modification


The thermal stability and light resistance of PVC are poor. Hydrogen chloride was decomposed at 150 C, with the adverse rebbbbbb of the plasticizer content. In addition, the influence of pigment on PVC is reflected in whether pigment is reacted with PVC and other components of PVC products, and pigment itself is resistant to migration and heat resistance. Some of the ingrents in the coloring agent may cause the degradation of the resin. For example, iron ions and zinc ions are the catalysts for the degradation of PVC resin. Therefore, the use of iron oxide (red, yellow, brown and black) pigment or Zinc Oxide, zinc sulfide and white pigment lithopone will reduce the thermal stability of PVC resin. Some of the coloring agents may be associated with the degradation products of PVC resin. Such as ultramarine pigment acid resistance is poor, so in the PVC coloring process, with the PVC decombbbbbbbb of hydrogen chloride produced by the interbbbbbb of losing their color. Therefore, as far as PVC coloring is concerned, the characteristics of the resin and related auxiliaries are considered, and the characteristics of the pigments are combined. The following problems should be paid attention to when choosing a colorant. [4]  PBT 176∞PP沙特sabicPHC31-81高硬度,高抗沖用于汽車HDPE法國道達爾MS201BN-NA良好的熔體強度,良好的影響,抗蠕變性能,良好的應力,抗裂汽車燃料PBT德國朗盛POCANA3131000000HDPE瑞士英力士INEOSHDPECP53-30ABS旭化成VA29阻燃PP法國道達爾3825注塑大型薄壁零件,太陽帽PPA沙伯基礎LNPLUBRICOMPUCL36ScompoundTPE德國膠寶KTF4THT其它LDPE宇部50其它一般電線絕緣制品PC/PMMA美國RTP1885A注塑POM泰科納MT12R01低粘度PVDF原料相關屬性(部分)LLDPESKFN800具有的引裂強度,剛性,密封強度和加工性,還有良好的薄膜外觀,低發(fā)裂制造吹制薄膜而研制出的中密度辛烷聚TPO美國RTPESDA2800-50D其它PET美國RTP1110良好的表面性能,良好的電學性能,高耐熱性,良好的硬度,度,良好的韌性。加工,注射成型。PMMA可樂麗GF特性,流動性良好,厚度薄。適用于大型成品。PP共聚臺化TAIRIPROK4715無規(guī)共聚物,注射成型PP沙特sabic2609A注塑PP共國利安德巴塞爾HostacomSP98/FHDPE荷蘭D9207注塑抗高沖擊強度的制品PPS美國RTP1300TFE20經(jīng)PET美國杜邦530HTEBK503玻纖增強,注塑POM沙伯基礎LNPTHERMOCOMPKF002compound填料,玻璃纖維增強材料,10%填料按重量。TPU美國路博潤Estane5714TPUTPU德國巴斯夫2180A10粒料PA66旭化成14G25增強的強度和剛性,玻璃纖維含量為25%,具有的抗熱老化性,抗疲勞性,和抗蠕變性。機械和電氣零件,發(fā)動機架,以及其他汽車機罩下零件。HDPE荷蘭D8800中空適合的容器PBT沙伯基礎310-BK1066注塑PTT美國RTP4787碳纖維增強材料,40%填料按重量AS(SAN)美國RTPRTP503FR填料,玻璃纖維增強材料,20%填料按重量。PMMA住友HT50Y注塑PPS寶理1140A7特性,流動性低飛邊HDPE菲利浦HHMTR416ESCR良好,表面光澤度高電線,黑色,用PET德國巴斯夫UltradurB4406G6Q113填料,玻璃纖維增強材料,30%填料按重量。外殼,連接器,開關TPU美國RTP1501-55D其它 PBT 176∞ PBT 176∞

EPS(1) cost barrier

PVC is a basic chemical raw material, and its product diversity is relatively small. Under the complebbby competitive market structure in China, the cost is the most important factor that affects the competitiveness of enterprises. As a result of industry characteristics, raw materials and energy occupy a high proportion in product cost. The cost of oil ethylene is mainly affected by the impact of the price of petroleum; calcium carbide production cost is mainly affected by the cost effect in general, calcium carbide, calcium carbide cost accounted for about PVC 70% of the cost, and the cost of electricity has accounted for about 60% of the cost of calcium carbide, because China is rich in power resources in the west, the electricity price is relatively low, compared with the production Eastern Enterprises calcium carbide production enterprises, the calcium carbide bbbbbb has certain advantages in terms of cost. With resource endowments, supporting the production of calcium carbide enterprises, will build more solid cost barriers.

Industrial policy barriersPBT 176∞PA66美國RTP205.3MS玻纖增強,注塑ABSUMGCX55A阻燃MDPE雪佛龍菲利普斯K306的文化權利,融合范圍,優(yōu)良的熔體強度,良好的加工性能填埋場襯墊,汽油和化學品罐遏制襯板,水分屏障PC帝人PanliteML-5206ZHP耐氣候影響性能良好,阻燃性,Good,Light,Diffusion,光,擠出照明漫射器,LEDs,Lighting,ApplicationsPP東洋J5010B注塑工業(yè)用PA66美國奧升德(首諾)Vydyne00XFS耐化學性良好,耐油性能,共聚物,韌性良好良好,損性,耐汽油性,通用,抗溶劑性,高剛性,度,復合,化合物擠出通用,復合TPU德國巴斯夫ElastollanC75AHPM有彈性,高耐熱性,擠出,注射成型,吹塑成型汽車領域的應用,密封件,電纜護套PUR日勝SW-1053A可分散,紡織應用,織物HDPE美國雪佛龍菲利普斯MarFlex9608低速凝固晶點,耐刮擦性,可加工性良好,剛性良好,耐油脂性能,擠出涂層混合,食品包裝,襯里,包裝瑞翁HyTempAR214PA612贏創(chuàng)德固賽DX9324改良抗撞擊性可加工性,良好可粘結性,耐化學性良好耐汽油性耐油,耐油性能耐油脂性能熱性復合物,粘合LLDPE美國埃克森美孚化工ExxonMobilLLDPELL1002AYCastPBT寶理7300E,20%GFPA66德國巴斯夫A3WG3其它ABSUMGMAX40耐熱LDPE利安德巴塞爾NA443237(Cast)共聚物,食品的可接受,良好的熱密封,良好的加工,良好的剛度高清晰度,高耐沖擊性能,滑移包裝PEEK美國RTP2282TFE15經(jīng)PA612德國贏創(chuàng)(德固賽)VESTAMIDDD16PC美國RTPEMI333FR注塑ABSUMGCX70B纖維PP德國赫斯特P5272T均聚物,含40%滑石適合片材,汽車配件,電器制品PP共國利安德巴塞爾HifaxTRC779XLDEBLACKPA6德國朗盛DurethanBKV35H2.0EF900116填料,玻璃纖維增強材料,35%填料按重量。TPU德國拜耳3072D注塑級,高機械強度,極好的抗磨損性,良好的性。應用于技術部件。樹脂美國杜邦1605流延膜料PPO(PPE)三菱IupiaceAP6GM4填料,玻璃纖維增強材料,20%填料按重量。EPS錦湖FD-30其它自熄性模制品,家電制品抗忘包裝材料PP道達爾(美國)3378良好的顏色性高清晰度低殘值利用薄膜面向膠帶PP住友AH661注射級,共聚物,耐沖擊和應力開裂用于食品周轉箱,家用電器ABS大東525級TPU昆仲S680A成型性佳,性PEI美國RTPRTP2183HF填料,碳纖維增強材料,20%填料按重量。PA66美國RTP200TFE10注塑PP均國舒爾曼PERCOMKHS09A抗靜電性,均聚物LDPE荷蘭D3636擠出耐老化,管材用

To promote the upgrading of chlor alkali industry in the industrial structure, regulate the development of the industry, in accordance with the principle of sustainable development to optimize the layout and orderly development, adjust the structure, se energy, protect the environment, safety production, technological progress, the national development and Rebbbb Commission issued the "bbbbulation (chlor alkali caustic soda, PVC) industry access conditions", and since the beginning of December 1, 2007: in the industrial layout for new chlor alkali production enterprises should be close to the resources, the energy area, the eastern region in addition to the rebbbbbbbb of enterprises outside the principle of caustic soda project is no longer the new carbide PVC project and its matching; technology requirements for construction and reconstruction of the calcium carbide PVC project must be simultaneously supporting the building of carbide slag cement and carbide slag comprehensive using the device access conditions; from the index of energy consumption and environmental standards for new projects. The adjustment of industrial policy greatly improves the threshold of capital, technology, talents and resources in the chlor alkali industry.

Scale barrierPBT 176∞PC三星毛織NC-1000特性,低溫高抗沖性電話外殼PPS泰科納MT9120L4其它ABS美國RTP660.75FR注塑PA66意大利蘭蒂奇RadiflamARV300HF339NERABSUMGTX64D阻燃ABS美國盛禧奧MAGNUM3416SCPP三星道達爾FH22是一個高剛性,高光澤,阻燃聚丙烯復合應用于電子產(chǎn)品。PMMA德國贏創(chuàng)(德固賽)PlexiglasResistzk6HCHDPE美國英力士HP53-50-127抗靜電,共聚物,文化權利,應力裂紋抗拒PA66美國RTPRTP285TFE15填料,碳纖維增強材料,30%填料按重量。PA66法國羅地亞27AE1一般目的塑料改性PA66美國RTP205FRHS抗紫外線,玻纖增強,注塑TPO美國陶氏8130其它LCP美國RTPRTP3407-1填料,玻璃纖維增強材料,40%填料按重量。HDPE美國陶氏DGDA-1412NT擠出PP美國RTP141HIHF礦物填料,20%填料按重量,改良抗撞擊性,流動性高ABS伊朗石化S50-01特性,流動性良好各類注塑產(chǎn)品,電瓶車,冰箱外殼,家電制品,汽車零用件等PC美國盛禧奧CALIBRE201-6PUR脂肪族德國科思創(chuàng)MDI/BaytecRTC-092APP共國舒爾曼POLYFLAMRIPP510D共聚物,阻燃性,注射成型PPS美國RTPRTP1300TFE15,注射成型PA66美國RTP202MFR玻纖增強,注塑TPV旭化成SUNVIEOA7171PP利安德巴塞爾E120J與食物的可接受的的韌性高流量高剛度抗沖共聚低翹曲容器食物容器包裝薄壁件容器HDPE住友2604A注塑PVDF法國阿科瑪2850-07Kosher、認證、除氣作用低至無、性、可加工性良好、良好的抗蠕變性、良好的強度、耐臭氧性能、耐化學性良好、耐疲勞性能、耐氣候影響性能良好、熱性良好、韌性良好、熱、注塑、擠出HDPE三菱BR300中空適合特大型的容器PP利安德巴塞爾HP502L很好的剛度/沖擊平衡適合與食物家居用品PC德國科思創(chuàng)MakrolonLED2245低粘度,清晰度高,脫模性能良好,注射成型鏡頭,照明應用,光學應用PES美國RTP1482注塑POM意大利蘭蒂奇HerabbbbR350NAT共聚物,注射成型,擠出厚壁配件,部件PP利安德巴塞爾TSOPEM1R299剛性良好,抗沖共聚物,抗撞擊性高可加工性良好,可噴涂的,流動性高汽車防撞桿,汽車領域的應用,汽車外部零件PA66科萊恩化工PA-131性能特點,抗沖擊性,降噪,韌性良好。安全帽PA66美國RTP227FRNH增強,注塑PA6三菱工程塑料1015GH35光纖強化,耐熱老化


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